
Pipes are what dt was created for.

You don't have to be an expert or anything. If you do want to know more before continuing, consider spending a little time exploring the REPL.

Note: Code blocks on this page prefixed with $ indicate they can be run from some shell program, and it is not required to run as root.

dt can read code passed as its arguments.

$ dt '"hello" pls quit'

Since there's no pipe in or out, and it's not in a shebang invocation, dt would start a REPL if we don't also say quit. (If you don't believe me, try it!) Running some code before joining a REPL can also be useful, but we will leave that as an exercise for the reader for now.

Let's pipe something into dt.

$ echo hello | dt pls

Let's pipe a little more.

$ seq 3 | dt pls

And let's use .s to take a look at dt's state immediately after receiving piped input here:

$ seq 3 | dt .s
[ [ "1" "2" "3" ] ]

When piping standard input into dt, it receives a quote of all lines before proceeding. The lines are read as strings and not interpreted.

Note: This means dt will load all input before evaluating code it receives as arguments. This is best for most small scripts. If you have very big data, you'll want to avoid loading it all in memory at once. For this use dt stream ... and read lines manually (rl). Here's a quick example:

seq 100 | dt 'stream   [ rl  red pl g ] \r def   [ rl  green pl r ] \g def   r'

Let's do some simple filtering. Here instead of a pipe we'll just set stdin to a file to avoid earning that award. On my computer, there's a file at /usr/share/dict/words that has a dictionary of the English language.

$ dt stream \
    '[rl \w:    [w pl]    w "duct" starts-with?   do?]' \
    loop \
    < /usr/share/dict/words

Those are some words that start with "duct" all right.

Here we bind a line at a time to w and use "duct" starts-with? to determine if a line from our dictionary starts with "duct". We use do? to conditionally execute the [w pl] when it should.

New to the shell? The \ characters at the end of the lines tell the executing shell (bash, zsh, whatever; not dt!) the next line is part of the same command.

We are quoting some of the dt code because shells typically have special processing for characters like [, ], ?, and *. Quoting in single quotes also helps avoid the need to escape the \ and " characters.

When in doubt, add more duct tape quotation marks!

On my machine, the great "duct" search above took about 1.6 seconds. Let's try that same thing again without using the stream [<etc>...] loop pattern.

$ dt '["duct" starts-with?]' filter pls \
    < /usr/share/dict/words

Oof, that was more succinct, but much slower. It took about 30 seconds on my machine. In this case we have a somewhat large file (on my machine, 123k lines) which isn't the hugest thing in the world, but it's expensive to operate on the whole thing all at once -- streaming line by line is much less expensive.


