do | execute a command or quote |
push | move an item into a quote |
version | print the version of the interpreter |
status | status |
deq | remove an item from the first position of a quote |
% | modulo two numeric values |
chars | chars |
pipe-thru-args | pipe-thru-args |
repl-prelude | repl-prelude |
dup | duplicate the top value |
* | multiply two numeric values |
swap | swap the top two values |
len | the length of a string or quote or 1 for single values |
quote | quote a value |
gte? | consume two numbers and return true if the most recent is greater |
readf | read a file as a string |
join | consume a quote of strings and a delimiter, and produce a string with the delimiter interspersed |
ep | print a value to stderr |
to-float | coerce value to floating-point number |
run-args | run-args |
doin | execute a command or quote in a previous quote |
even? | even? |
neq? | neq? |
divisor? | divisor? |
first | first |
do? | consume a boolean and either do or drop a command or quote |
enl | print a newline to stderr |
parse-csv | parse-csv |
.s | print the stack |
drop | drop the top value |
+ | add two numeric values |
to-bool | coerce value to boolean |
inspire | get inspired |
pl | pl |
println | println |
assert-true | assert-true |
def! | define a new command. If nested, any commands or variables defined will be available in the calling scope. |
map | apply a command to all values in a quote |
upcase | convert a string to uppercase |
undef? | undef? |
each | each |
lte? | consume two numbers and return true if the most recent is less |
last | last |
-> | -> |
cwd | current working directory |
writef | write a string as a file |
def? | return true if a name is defined |
to-quote | coerce value to quote |
while | while |
abs | consume a number and produce its absolute value |
defs | produce a quote of all definition names |
not | consume a booleans and produce its logical not |
read-lines | get lines from standard input (until EOF) |
rot | rotate the top three values |
red | make stdout/stderr red |
args | get command-line args |
interactive? | determine if the input mode is interactive (a TTY) or not |
do! | execute a command or quote. If nested, any commands or variables defined will be available in the calling scope. |
concat | concatenate two quotes. Values are coerced into quotes. (For String concatenation, see join) |
unwords | unwords |
to-string | coerce value to string |
nand | nand |
main-repl | main-repl |
do!? | consume a boolean and either do or drop a command or quote. If nested, any commands or variables defined will be available in the calling scope. |
rand | produces a random integer |
read-line | get a line from standard input (until newline) |
quote-all | quote all current context |
print-version | print-version |
words | words |
epls | epls |
--version | --version |
downcase | convert a string to lowercase |
ls | list contents of current directory |
or | consume two booleans and produce their logical or |
unlines | unlines |
exit | exit with the specified exit code |
pwd | pwd |
cd | change directory |
to-def | coerce value to a deferred command |
eval | eval |
eq? | consume two values and return true if they are equal |
any? | return true if any value in a quote passes a predicate |
def | def |
gt? | consume two numbers and return true if the most recent is greater |
unquote | unquote |
repl-greet | repl-greet |
pls | pls |
: | bind variables |
lt? | consume two numbers and return true if the most recent is less |
ends-with? | consume a string and a suffix, and return true if the string has the suffix |
exec | execute a child process. When successful, returns stdout as a string. When unsuccessful, prints the child's stderr to stderr, and returns boolean false |
to-cmd | coerce value to a command |
shebang-args | shebang-args |
starts-with? | consume a string and a prefix, and return true if the string has the prefix |
norm | reset stdout/stderr colors |
eprintln | eprintln |
pop | move the last item of a quote to top of stack |
odd? | odd? |
print | print |
procname | get name of current process |
split | consume a string and a delimiter, and produce a quote of the string split on all occurrences of the substring |
green | make stdout/stderr green and bold (for the colorblind) |
rev | reverse a quote or string |
epl | epl |
times | times |
handle-flags | handle-flags |
quit | Quit. Prints a warning if there are any values left on stack. |
to-int | coerce value to integer |
handle-flag | handle-flag |
/ | divide two numeric values |
lines | lines |
- | subtract two numeric values |
contains? | consume a string and a substring, and return true if the string contains the substring |
eprint | eprint |
... | expand a quote |
print-help | print-help |
usage | print the usage notes of a given command |
and | consume two booleans and produce their logical and |
nor | nor |
filter | only keep values in that pass a predicate in a quote |
--help | --help |
repl | repl |
p | print a value to stdout |
nl | print a newline to stdout |
enq | move an item into the first position of a quote |